Michael Phelps Is Going To Race A Shark During Shark Week
Michael Phelps is done racing humans, he’s moving onto sharks.
Michael Phelps has gotten bored of racing humans apparently and now he’s going to race an actual shark. Ok, maybe he isn’t really bored of racing humans and the paycheck he’ll received to do this bizarre race may have something to do with it, but hey.
The race will go down during Discovery Channel’s Shark Week on July 23rd.
Here is the press release:
They are one of the fastest and most efficient predators on the planet: Sharks. He is our greatest champion to ever get in the water: Michael Phelps. 39 world records. 23 Olympic golds. But he has one competition left to win. An event so monumental no one has ever attempted it before. The world’s most decorated athlete takes on the ocean’s most efficient predator: Phelps V Shark — the race is on!
Phelps will lose the race by the way. It won’t even be close, actually, unless the shark just has no business of actually swimming the distance. Sharks swim well over 20 mph, clocking upwards of 30 mph. Phelps swims at a smooth 6 mph.
One thing is for sure, people will tune in. Will it be exciting? I’m leaning towards no, but it’s definitely something super original.